
Headdroppin' Don

The POP-UP duck 'n dodge dude!

Asst. No. 5170
Stock No. 5174


Sewerpipe Periscope
Trash Can Head Shield
Centipede Club


When the Foot start flyin', Don's head starts dodgin.' Protected by his trash can head shield, this Foot foolin' fresh friend knows when to keep his head low. Using his trusty, rusty sewerpipe periscope, Don doesn't stick his neck out till the sewer's safe. And should he poke up and peep too soon, it's still cool - 'cause Don's got a centipede club - giving him a hundred ways to pound the Foot. The Foot will wonder where he went when Don dodges attacks wth his famous Turtle-tuck.


Original card
original card front and back
Ninja Power Card (glowing background)
Ninja Power card front and back

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