Figure mutated form

Mutatin' Foot Soldier

The Rad Re-arrangin' Robot!

Asst. No. 5220 (Ninja Power re-release 15100)
Stock No. 5237 (Ninja Power re-release 15122)


Mutatin' Baton Blaster
Electro Shock Mace
Retromutagen Ooze Canister
Mega Mutation Chart

Vital Mutistics

Fastest Mutation Time:

6.7 Muta-seconds

Favorite Lubricant:

Turtle Grease


Now you control the power of the Foot Soldier Mutation process. You hold the secret to fully expose the high-tech technology that swells beneath the surface of every loyal Foot Soldier. With a twist here and a flip there, you and you alone, can re-arrange this rad robotic ruffian. So Turtles of the world beware! The Foot follow a new leader today, one who isn't afraid to open them up and program them for total Turtle destruction. You hold the Power. You hold the Knowledge. You hold the Foot in the palm of your hand. Now go forth and Mutate!


Original Box
original box front
original box back
original box inside the flap

Ninja Power card with brick background
ninja power brick card front and back
Ninja Power card, glowing background
ninja power glowing card front and back

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