It's time for more Out of the Shadows reviews. So this time it's the large scale Out of the Shadows figures. Continuing the tradition going
all the way back to the original toy line, Playmates once again produced large scale figures to go along with the movie. The series includes
all four Turtles in their new movie designs as well as the two evil mutants, Bebop and Rocksteady.
Packaging - 7/10The packaging for the Out of the Shadows giant figures is the same open box design as Playmates has been using for the giant figures throughout the 2012 toy line. The graphics have been changed for the movie. And visually the change is fine. But it is fairly unambitious. If you look at the bottom portion of the boxes, they included an image of the character from the movie and their name, but a large portion of the space is just left blank. The back of the packaging is no better. All the figures have the same images of all six figures and the same generic description of the movie that has been on all of the OOTS toys. None of it is really bad, but it feels like they could have done something more interesting with it.There was also a four pack of the giant figures available exclusively through Target. It had all four of the OOTS Turtles included in one wide package. And again, there just isn't much effort put into using all of that space.
Sculpting - Raphael & Leonardo 7/10, others 8/10The sculpting for the giant Out of the Shadows figures is pretty strong. For the most part, they seem to be scaled up versions of the basic assortment figures. But each of the Turtles has gotten a new head sculpt. That's an important change as the head sculpts for the basic assortment Turtles were pretty lackluster. These heads look considerably better. And overall, all of the figures benefit from the details of the sculpt being much sharper at this scale. I'm still a bit disappointed that Leonardo and Raphael's shells are still too small and don't stick up behind their heads the way they should.
Paint - Rocksteady 7/10, others 6/10the paint work for all of the giant figures is reasonably well done. There's no noticeable sloppiness on my figures. And overall they all look decent. But there's also a lot of detail that went unpainted on all of the figures, but especially for the Turtles. Bebop and Rocksteady have more paint for the details of their costumes, though they aren't fully painted. And unfortunately Bebop is only available with pink glasses and hair. He never got a purple repaint as the smaller scale figure did. That's a shame since the purple version looks much better in my opinion.
Articulation - 5/10The level of articulation for these figures is pretty good. But the range of motion really handicaps them. Each figure has twenty one points of articulation. That includes rotating neck, rotating and hinged shoulders, elbows, hips and knees and rotating wrists. The Turtles also have rotating joints at the ankles, though the sculpt makes turning them quite difficult. Bebop and Rocksteady have rotating waist joints and tails. I can't fault them for the amount of articulation. And the joints are well made. Just tight enough to hold poses without being too difficult to adjust. But when a figure can't bend its elbow a full ninety degrees, there's only so much praise that you can give that figure.
Accessories - Raphael 6/10, others 5/10Each of the figures comes with at least one weapon, or a pair of weapons in the case of Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael. Most of the weapons are reasonably well sculpted. Michelangelo's nunchuks are fairly short and rather thick. But they do have metal chains which is a nice touch. Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael also have means of storing their weapons when not in use which is always helpful. It would be nice if they had painted some of the detail for the handle wrapping on Leonardo's swords or given Bebop's crow bar a metallic finish. But it's Rocksteady's bat that needs paint work the most.
Value - 7/10Playmates' large scale figures generally sell for $20 each in most stores. For large figures like these, that's not a bad price. And considering that they are the best looking versions of the Out of the Shadows characters I have reviewed so far, I'm quite happy to have them joining the collection. The only thing that was a bit disappointing was that once again with the four pack, you didn't save any money by buying the multipack.
Happy Hunting:It's been over a year since the Out of the Shadows merchandise was released. And neither the movie nor the merchandise supporting it seemed to do as well as they had been hoping for. So by this point, finding all of the 11 inch figures can be tough. But it isn't impossible. After shipments of the movie merchandise stopped, Playmates incorporated these figures in with the regular 11 inch figure assortment. So I still run across all of the figures in stores locally from time to time.