Swiftly and silently, now Mike Mutates from Turtle Teen to Night Ninja! Faster than
a pizza disappears in the Turtles' lair, Mike Mutates with just a little help from
you and the secret Ooze. A dash of Ooze, a squeeze of the legs and whoopeeee -instant
Mutation! Through the darkness then, Mike slips unseen and unheard. He's a master
Night Ninja -and he's got the official body armor to prove it. The hood is made of pure
ancient Ninja cotton, and the chest armor is woven out of samurai warrior sandals -now
that's cool! And check out those Foot spikes: authentic self-sharpenin' stainless steel,
just like the Night Ninjas of old. Equipped with all that, and his very own claw 'n
chain, Mike loves to sneak into the Foot camp and wreak a little havoc. By the time
the Foot knows he's there, though, he's already gone -and so are any pizzas. Mike uses
his super speedy Mutation with the skill of a master and the attitude of a party dude.
So try to keep up with Mike, if you can. But always remember, the Mutation is faster
than the eye!
Original Release
KB re-release (has the "Visit Playmates on the World Wide Web!" logo on the back)